Interview: Adam Scott – Founder & CEO of BG Advisors


Gamblers Connect is thrilled to report that one of the most entertaining and educational interviews we have ever conducted is now live, as we had a gripping conversation with the mastermind behind the leading BG Advisors, the fantastic Mr. Adam Scott!

In this interview, we sat down with Adam and had a riveting discussion regarding various topics from both his personal and professional life. We touched upon his inspiring journey in the iGaming realm, as well as interesting anecdotes from his life, giving us an exclusive insight into the man who is widely known as “the king of sales”.

Join us as we dive deep into the life of Mr. Scott and learn what it takes to be at the top of the food chain in a highly competitive sector as sales in the iGaming industry.

Hello, Adam. Let us begin by saying that it is our pleasure to have you as our guest, as your reputation in this realm is nothing short of impressive! We’ve been looking forward to this interview for quite some time now!

Adam: It’s a real pleasure to be invited to talk with you here today and speak on such a prominent and respected platform, thanks for having me.

Adam, you are the Founder & CEO of BG Advisors, a leading company that provides a full range of services ranging from banking referrals to legal and sales advice and gaming. What is it like to be the founder and driving force behind such a big company?

Adam: If I look back to where it all started, and given the fast-paced and ever-changing markets we work in, it’s important to stop sometimes and take stock of how far we have come.

Like many founders, I started this on my own and it was like that for some time. I like to think I did all the things that any business needs to succeed, although there have definitely been hurdles along the way! Anyone who has built a business knows it is 24/7 with very little let up, especially working with clients globally.

So, to now have a growing and reliable team around me to support and delegate business activity to, is not only critical to successful growth, I also get a buzz out of it. Sometimes letting go of certain areas in the business can be challenging so having an experienced team of people that I can trust has been key. 

In order to grow and scale the business I have been very particular in how and who we recruit. Not only is business about putting the right people in the right place, it is also about empowering them and giving them the autonomy to do what they were employed to do. Having worked with and for many companies in the past I strongly believe the culture in a business can be fundamental to their long term success.

With Dean O’Brien recently being appointed as our COO this has enabled me to maintain my focus on developing the business and driving growth.  

Adam, you are no stranger to executive jobs as you have occupied numerous upper-management positions in the past, each time playing a key role in the company’s development. Tell us, what do you love most about your job?  

Adam: Thats a good question, I have been involved in business development and account management now for over 25 years! I have knocked on thousands of doors, made 100’s of cold calls a week as I was taught the old school way. From there I progressed and have served as a manager, director and consultant to other businesses, I figure I must have been doing something right for other people to be paying for my expertise.

However, to answer your question, where I sit today…. I love problem solving. There is a fine art to asking the right questions, listening carefully as to what the client needs and then going and finding a solution that’s right for them. Of course there is always a little negotiation along the way both with suppliers and clients. We are all in business to make money, however client satisfaction has always been my main driver and I will always love that part of the job.

Being the CEO & Founder of BG Advisors you have plenty of important obligations such as developing and executing business strategies, preparing and implementing comprehensive business plans, etc. What do you consider the most challenging part of your job? 

Adam: I would have to say having enough hours in the day! Often I could do with another 24 hours in a day to fit it all in. Being a truly global business and with a real emphasis on clear and regular communication with our clients it can often be the case that I am available up to 20hrs a day. I believe this focus being at our core is the reason we have achieved the success we have to date.

I instill in our team to stay in high communication with clients, and suppliers, even if there is no news let them know you are there and we are moving it forward. Leading a global team is round the clock, so trying to fit that in, along with a decent work life balance is always the hardest challenge for me.

While we are on the subject, your job position requires possessing a long list of skills and attributes. What are some of the essential skills that a Director at such an esteemed company should possess? What do you find is the most effective attribute to be successful at what you do? 

Adam: Experience, I have been in various roles for 30 years now, I have dropped the ball and got it wrong as many times as I have got it right! The ability to learn from them has been key. When something hits you sideways on a Tuesday it’s having the mindset to face it head on and come out the other side.

Accepting that there is always more to learn and making the time to increase your knowledge base whether it be in your chosen career or personal life I feel is key to anyone’s success. I am still learning lessons every day, however I am confident in my abilities and that mainly comes with time and experience.  

It’s this wealth of experience for when things don’t go right that keeps me focused and confident when challenges arise. On the flip side, also when it’s going well, I do my best to stay grounded, its peaks and troughs. So when it’s going well, enjoy it, but know it could, as with all things, change at a moment’s notice.

Adam Scott (right) pictured with FC Manchester United legend Dimitar Berbatov

As part of an international company with clients from all over the world that stem from different industries, you are no stranger to frequent business trips and travelling. How important is attending seminars and conferences for a man in your position? Do you enjoy these business trips, or is it just part of the job?

Adam: Honestly, a bit of both.

I enjoy traveling and seeing the world, which I do a lot of for business. Although on some trips you mainly see airports, hotels, and meeting rooms, I always try to find a little time to be a tourist!

I am a strong believer in investing time to have face-to-face meetings, so getting to seminars and events is key for myself and the team. It is always a pleasure to see familiar faces and make new connections, find partners to work with and kindred souls where we find visions aligned.

Now that I am based in Australia most of the year, when I travel I make sure it counts and put quite a bit into the diary. The actual flying, though, that can definitely take the joy out of it. I can sometimes do a dozen flights in a few weeks, as I get older, the body clock takes a while to adjust, and when it’s 4 time zones in a week, it can really take its toll. Airport lounge after airport lounge, I am on first-name terms with some airport check-in teams these days.

BG Advisors is a company that provides services in many different areas, ranging from payment solutions to gaming. In which department do you think your company excels the most?

Adam: Listening, we excel at listening. When you take the time to really understand a client’s needs, wants, and frustrations and genuinely get to know their problem, then the rest is far easier. When a client feels listened to, and knows you have understood them, it’s all anyone wants to be in life: heard. Then comes the fun part: finding them the right solution and sometimes more than one.

Our portfolio of products and services has grown organically over the years. We started off with mainly offering bank accounts, then on to processing, now we have 5 key services we can support our clients with. We often get a new prospective client and don’t have the ideal product or service for them on the shelf, so I see it as our job to go and find it for them, which has definitely been interesting.

Have you ever encountered any regulatory challenges during your tenure at BG Advisors? Considering that your company is intertwined with a highly volatile and regulated industry such as iGaming.

Adam: Absolutely, the ever-changing landscape is what keeps us in business. If we didn’t have problems like changes in regulation, banks derisking or a new license that is required, then we would not have a business. BG Advisors prides itself on keeping up with the constant challenges, offering our clients insight into upcoming changes and options to allow minimal disruption to their operations. If a business can’t move its money, take payments or trade, then it’s ineffective, and we can’t have that happen.

It is no secret that we live in an era of technological advancements where AI rules supreme. Does BG Advisors use AI? If not, do you think there is a place for artificial intelligence in a company such as BG Advisors?

Adam: I would be lying if I said we don’t utilize some of the obvious benefits of AI in some capacity. My COO has more understanding on this and implements it within the business to streamline operations and improve efficiency, for which AI has huge benefits. Every business is utilising it in some way; it’s not going to go away, and you have to get on board to some capacity.

Some of our partners’ whole businesses are built with AI at the forefront of what they do. However, you do see the same AI-generated posts on Linkedin day after day, people who I have known for years suddenly speaking like an English professor, and it’s not genuine. There are, as with all things, pros and cons.

 I am from the old school, and I like to do business in the old school way. I leave the implementation of technology such as AI to the team to best suit our operations and use the benefits.

 But for us as a business it’s a phone call, meeting, and a fruitful conversation that pays the bills.

Let’s hop into the future for just a bit. Where do you see BG Advisors 5 years from now? Most importantly, where do you see yourself 5 years from now, Adam?

Adam: I am sure the stock answer is sitting on a beach, with the business doing well and enjoying a cold beverage or two! That is actually the plan, but I know I would be the guy on the beach with a phone pacing up and down, talking with the team about the next opportunity. I just cannot see myself in a life where I am not involved in the business. I am obsessed, you have to be to run a business like this. I am front and centre of what we do on the sales front, and as I said. I absolutely love that side of it!

The team are strong and empowered to do their jobs, so that will go from strength to strength I have no doubt. So, in 5 years, I want to see the business running itself under the guidance of the senior management, and I will be on a beach … with a drink… in a sales call.  

Finally, let’s end this interview on a more personal note. Can you tell us a bit about yourself, Adam? What are your favourite sports/clubs, hobbies, part of the world, etc? Anything you would like to share? 

Adam: Aside from being a husband and trying to keep up with my sons. I like my football, I am a long-suffering Man United fan who is old enough to remember the good days under Ferguson, which makes it even harder to bear. I also enjoy boxing and have been around that my entire life.

My favorite destinations would have to be: Central America, Serbia, and more recently Scotland. 

When I am not doing any of that or working, I get to the gym as much as I can. And if I play my cards right, I go out once in a while and blow off some steam with friends and family.

Thank you for finding the time to sit down and have a chat with us, Adam. We know that your schedule is packed, so we appreciate you taking the time to talk to us!

 Thanks for having me on; it’s a real honour.

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